Fashenhues Basic Technique Sheet
Learning to use Fashenhues products is easy and fun. There is no right or wrong
(well, almost no wrong) way to use Fashenhues products.
Each of us is an artist in our own way and we each will find more success in
some techniques over others.
Here, we offer only a guideline for you to begin finding your own methods and
Materials needed:
Fired Bisque piece
VIVA paper towels
Cream Basecoat and/or White Basecoat
S-182 Brown (Or any other color or colors you would like to use in the
antiquing process.)
AS-1 Antiquing Solution and BL-1 Blending Media
Baby wipes for keeping hands clean and removing mistakes
Fashenhues Flat Matte Spray
Assorted Fashenhues Translucent Stains
Colors are oil based for easy application and use, but are water soluble for an
easy clean-up.)
Bottles should only be bottom up while you are working and a project to make it
easier to see and choose colors.
1. Remove all dust from the entire bisque piece with a slightly damp sponge
(allow to dry completely)
2. Shake and apply one coat of Cream Basecoat. Allow to dry and apply
second coat (we prefer white to make it easier to see). Be careful not to
use too much basecoat. You do not want to fill all the crevices.
3. Always shake each bottle prior to using the color to ensure thorough
mixing. . Start the antiquing process by placing a small amount of S-182
brown (or whichever color(s) you are using to antique) translucent
pigment onto your palette. Using a stiff brush of your choice, begin to
brush color into an area about 2 or 3” in diameter. Immediately wipe back
using a lint Viva paper towels make excellent wipe away materials.)
Continue until entire piece is antiqued and wiped back. Decide what
additional colors you would like to use and begin applying one color at a
time. In order to extend the “workability” of your translucent color, try
placing a small drop of BL-1, Blending Media, onto your palette. Tip your
brush lightly into the media, VERY LITTLE IS NEEDED, then “swirl” it into
your colors prior to applying them to your piece. This will permit your
brush to move smoothly as you add color and will eliminate virtually all
brush marks. Since all products are very concentrated, it’s easy to add to
much media. Adding too much will prevent the color from drying.If you
find that you would like to wipe back more color than you t-shirt piece will
allow, you may want to place a small amount of AS-1, Antiquing Solution,
in a clean cloth as you wipe back the color, or use a baby wipe. Generally,
the natural look can be achieved by having the most concentration of
color deep into the cracks and crevices of your piece creating the effect
of natural shading, and highlights or lighter hues on raised areas.
Additional details can be added by using Acrylic Stains, Metallic colors
adding gold or silver Powder to the translucent colors.
4. Seal and protect your finished piece by using Fashenhues Flat Matte. This
spray is not only water resistant; it protects your piece from UV light.
Painting Tips
If desired, you can “set” each color with a light coat of Matte Spray to minimize
the possibility of removing other colors from adjacent areas, if desired. (If you
scrub hard enough, you can remove any color, sprayed or not.)